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Bone Grafting

Bone Grafting

According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS), Dr. Sway may talk to you about undergoing a bone graft for dental implants if he believes that your jaw bone is too thin or soft to keep the implant in place in its current state. If the bone cannot support the implant, it may cause the implant surgery to fail.

In a bone graft procedure, we take a section of bone from another area of your body, or - as is most often the case now - use a special bone grafting material and graft it onto your jaw bone. You will then have to wait, most likely several months, while the graft creates enough new, strong bone to make sure that the implant will be stable and secure. It is possible if you only need a minor graft that the procedure might be able to be done at the same time as the implant surgery, but Dr. Sway will make the final decision. A successful bone graft allows your jaw bone to be strong enough to support your dental implant.

Once the bone graft is complete, the rest of the implant surgery can proceed.

As with any surgical procedure, it is important to discuss your personal medical history and all the risks and benefits of the surgery with your dental specialist. Once our doctor decides you are a good fit for the procedure, you can look forward to a brand-new smile.


Few words from our clients

Alma M.

I was referred to Dr. Logesh Sway after being diagnosed with bleeding gums and a failing dental implant due to significant bone loss. Dr. Sway examined me and explained the benefits of the LANAP laser surgery vs the traditional Bone Grafting procedure which I had done twice before, and in my opinion was torturous! At first it was a blow to me because of the cost, as it is still a new procedure and not yet covered by insurance, but after going over the details in length with Dr. Sway and my own research, reading and seeing the rapid healing results and success stories, I decided that I was going to go with the LANAP Procedure and put my trust in Dr. Sway. The Pain was minimal and the outcome has been better than I ever imagined!!! My results were better than expected and even Dr. Sway was surprised by my significant bone growth, I am so very happy, and so very grateful to Dr. Sway. Thank you!!!