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Few words from our clients

Alma M.

I was referred to Dr. Logesh Sway after being diagnosed with bleeding gums and a failing dental implant due to significant bone loss. Dr. Sway examined me and explained the benefits of the LANAP laser surgery vs the traditional Bone Grafting procedure which I had done twice before, and in my opinion was torturous! At first it was a blow to me because of the cost, as it is still a new procedure and not yet covered by insurance, but after going over the details in length with Dr. Sway and my own research, reading and seeing the rapid healing results and success stories, I decided that I was going to go with the LANAP Procedure and put my trust in Dr. Sway. The Pain was minimal and the outcome has been better than I ever imagined!!! My results were better than expected and even Dr. Sway was surprised by my significant bone growth, I am so very happy, and so very grateful to Dr. Sway. Thank you!!!