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Tissue Grafting

Tissue Grafting

Tissue Grafting Procedure in SeaSide Centre with periodontist Dr. Logesh Sway is a procedure that is designed to restore the health and natural appearance of your gum tissues by repairing the damage done by gum recession.

A healthy gum line provides you with a beautiful smile. Gum recession, which can result from gum disease, brushing too hard, or bruxism, puts the health and appearance of your mouth at risk. At Seaside Perio Centre, we can help to restore the health of your mouth with tissue grafting.

We start by administering a local anaesthetic, which numbs the surgical site/s. The procedure is done by taking soft tissue from elsewhere in your mouth (most frequently the roof of your mouth, called the donor site), and securing it in place over the areas of recession, or the recipient site. While you heal, your natural gum tissue and the donor tissue begin to fuse together, and the tissue reforms a tight, protective seal around your teeth.

There are several benefits to tissue grafting:
  • Your oral health is restored. You will be able to clean the teeth more effectively and reverse the state of inflammation in your gingival tissues.
  • With your gum line restored, and the tissue securely around your teeth, the roots of your teeth and your jawbone are protected from new bacterial invasion.
  • Tooth sensitivity is eased.
  • New you and Smile!

As with any surgical procedure, it is important to discuss your personal medical history and all the risks and benefits of the surgery with your dental specialist. Once our doctor decides you are a good fit for the procedure, you can look forward to a brand-new smile.


Few words from our clients

Alma M.

I was referred to Dr. Logesh Sway after being diagnosed with bleeding gums and a failing dental implant due to significant bone loss. Dr. Sway examined me and explained the benefits of the LANAP laser surgery vs the traditional Bone Grafting procedure which I had done twice before, and in my opinion was torturous! At first it was a blow to me because of the cost, as it is still a new procedure and not yet covered by insurance, but after going over the details in length with Dr. Sway and my own research, reading and seeing the rapid healing results and success stories, I decided that I was going to go with the LANAP Procedure and put my trust in Dr. Sway. The Pain was minimal and the outcome has been better than I ever imagined!!! My results were better than expected and even Dr. Sway was surprised by my significant bone growth, I am so very happy, and so very grateful to Dr. Sway. Thank you!!!