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About Us

Seaside Perio Centre

Congratulations, for your first step towards periodontal health! We are here to listen and to provide solutions to better health. We offer a wide variety of services that include treating periodontal disease, placing dental implants and improving your smile. We believe that your right to choose a dentist is an important freedom.

Our Perio Centre has well equipped advanced surgical suites for placement of dental implants. We use cone beam dental CT scan, which is the latest development in the assessment of bone for implant placement. Dental CT scan has relatively very low radiation exposure compared to medical grade CT scan and very cost effective.

Standards as per guidelines by the American Dental Association and highly trained staff to handle any emergencies during the procedure.

Our staff work as a team with Dr. Logesh Sway to make you understand every step of the treatment process and make you experience pleasant one. We know how valuable your time is, so we thrive to make your visit more worthwhile by preparing your insurance eligibility prior to your visit.

Every step of the procedure is thoroughly explained to the patients, all possible risks and benefits are explained, so as patients can make a conscious and comfortable decision.

Each patient is unique, and implant may, rarely, not be a solution to bring back a perfect smile. In which case other alternative procedures would be suggested at the best interest of the patient.

Dr. Sway


Few words from our clients

Alma M.

I was referred to Dr. Logesh Sway after being diagnosed with bleeding gums and a failing dental implant due to significant bone loss. Dr. Sway examined me and explained the benefits of the LANAP laser surgery vs the traditional Bone Grafting procedure which I had done twice before, and in my opinion was torturous! At first it was a blow to me because of the cost, as it is still a new procedure and not yet covered by insurance, but after going over the details in length with Dr. Sway and my own research, reading and seeing the rapid healing results and success stories, I decided that I was going to go with the LANAP Procedure and put my trust in Dr. Sway. The Pain was minimal and the outcome has been better than I ever imagined!!! My results were better than expected and even Dr. Sway was surprised by my significant bone growth, I am so very happy, and so very grateful to Dr. Sway. Thank you!!!
